Hong Kong Machine Learning Season 3 Episode 9
16.03.2021 - Hong Kong Machine Learning
When? Tuesday, March 16, 2021 from 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM (Hong Kong Time) Where? At your home, on zoom. All meetups will be online as long as this COVID-19 crisis is not over. Programme: Talk 1: Towards Financial Fraud Detection in ERP Systems using Deep Neural Networks Marco Schreyer, PhD student, University of St. Gallen Marco’s papers: Detection of Accounting Anomalies in the Latent Space using Adversarial Autoencoder Neural Networks Adversarial Learning of Deepfakes in Accounting Learning Sampling in Financial Statement Audits using Vector Quantised Autoencoder Neural Networks You can find a summary of these papers (among others) there.
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Hong Kong Machine Learning Season 3 Episode 8
17.02.2021 - Hong Kong Machine Learning
When? Wednesday, February 17, 2021 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM (Hong Kong Time) Where? At your home, on zoom. All meetups will be online as long as this COVID-19 crisis is not over. Programme: Talk 1 (Chaired by Gautier Marti): Explainable, accelerated machine intelligence in finance and insurance Jochen Papenbrock, NVIDIA https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/industries/finance/ Abstract: How can we build Explainable, Trustworthy, and Responsible AI for the Financial Service Industry?
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Hong Kong Machine Learning Season 3 Episode 7
27.01.2021 - Hong Kong Machine Learning
When? Wednesday, January 27, 2021 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM (Hong Kong Time) Where? At your home, on zoom. All meetups will be online as long as this COVID-19 crisis is not over. Programme: Talk 1 (Chaired by Jose Vinicius de Miranda Cardoso): Debiased Inverse Propensity Score Weighting for Estimation of Average Treatment Effects with High-Dimensional Confounders Yuhao Wang, Tsinghua University arxiv paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2011.08661.pdf Talk 2 (Chaired by Gautier Marti/Thibault Bourgeron): Algorithms for Learning Graphs in Financial Markets Jose Vinicius de Miranda Cardoso, HKUST
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Hong Kong Machine Learning Season 3 Episode 6
12.01.2021 - Hong Kong Machine Learning
When? Tuesday, January 12, 2021 from 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM (Hong Kong Time) Where? At your home, on zoom. All meetups will be online as long as this COVID-19 crisis is not over. Programme: Talk 1 (chaired by Gautier Marti): Feature Selection and Importance by Maxence de Rochechouart -Short Bio After Maxence completed Mathematics studies (BSc + MSc) in England, he pursued with the Master MVA from ENS Cachan in France.
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Hong Kong Machine Learning Season 3 Episode 5
09.12.2020 - Hong Kong Machine Learning
When? Wednesday, December 9, 2020 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM (Hong Kong Time) Where? At your home, on zoom. All meetups will be online as long as this COVID-19 crisis is not over. Programme: Talk 1 (chaired by Emmanuel Rialland): Stéphane DUGUET, Head of Research, Technology & Innovation at Thales – Artificial Intelligence and Innovation in Thales Stephane DUGUET is the Head of Research, Technology & Innovation of Thales in Hong Kong since 2017.
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Hong Kong Machine Learning Season 3 Episode 4
04.11.2020 - Hong Kong Machine Learning
When? Wednesday, November 4, 2020 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM (Hong Kong Time) Where? At your home, on zoom. All meetups will be online as long as this COVID-19 crisis is not over. Programme: Talk 1: Michael Poli on Neural ODEs, Neural Flows, and torchdyn, a PyTorch library for neural differential equations. Michael has two papers at the upcoming NeurIPS 2020: Dissecting Neural ODEs Hypersolvers: Toward Fast Continuous-Depth Models This talk will be moderated by Emmanuel Rialland, an active member of the HKML meetups with experience in this field (cf.
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